Windows key + Left: docks current window to the left side of the screen.
Windows key + Right: docks current window to the right side of the screen.
Windows key + Up: maximizes and/or restores foreground window.
Windows key + Down: minimizes active window.

If you press Windows LOGO + 1,2,3..... THEN you can open the applications on the task bar without using mouse.That is if you press  1 ,you can open the first application in the task bar and with windows logo key +2 you can open the second and so on.

To run a program as an Administrator, it’s now as easy as holding CTRL + SHIFT when you open the application.


Hi-N-Bye is the ultimate motion based phone call application which allows the user to use hand gestures to control their phone calls. That is we can have to answer calls without clicking any button. The application is really cool and you must try it. You can download hi n bye from here.